I have scoured dozens of web sites and forums online to bring you a compilation of all Mega Pack of Plugins for paint.net or Paint.NET Plug-in effects I have found from the various forums and sites. All of these were found offered for free, and I am basically giving my fellow Paint.NET artists access to the same plug-ins so they don’t have to spend hours trying to find them on their own. Check my other post on how to open photoshop psd files using paint.net
Plugins for paint.net
I found plug-ins to provide shadow effects, curve text, render all sorts of patterns. These plug-ins make Paint.NET much more efficient and useful at doing graphic art work, but still are shy of being as full featured as Adobe Photoshop, still for a free paint program based completely on .NET framework you will be surprised at just how powerful this paint program is.
Once installed correctly in Paint.NET, these plugins will show up under either the Adjustments menu or the Effects menu. (Sometimes the effects will be located in submenus under the Effects main menu.)
- How to create anaglyph images. How to make stereo pictures. use Anaglyph pugin. Its in our pack.
- Plugin for opening photoshop file PSD extension.
- Adjustments menu
Color Balance – Easily adjust the tint of an image.
Transparency – Adjust the transparency of a selection.
- Effects menu
Flip Horizontal – Flips the selection on the vertical axis.
Flip Vertical – Flips the selection on the horizontal axis.
- Effects > Artistic menu
Pastel – Your picture looks like it was drawn with pastel chalk.
- Effects > Blurs menu
Gaussian Blur+ – Blur only the R, G, B, or Alpha channel of the image.
- Effects > Object menu
An “object” is a group of pixels on a layer that is completely surrounded by transparent pixels (or the edge(s) of the canvas). These are useful when doing “cutouts” or with text on a new layer.
Feather – Softens the edges of objects.
Outline – Outlines the object with the selected color.
- Effects > Photo menu
Lomography – Interesting effect for photographs.
Combined Adjustments – Many adjustments for photos all on one screen.
Sharpen Landscape – Your photos look like they belong in a magazine!
- Effects > Render menu
Polygon / Stars – Render triangles, pentagons, hexagons, stars, etc.
Flames – Set your pictures on fire!
- Effects > Selection menu
Effects in this menu perform their effect by following the selection outline (marching ants, in the old Paint.NET versions). While they will work with a square selection (or no selection by using the edges of the canvas as their path), they are more interesting when the selection is curved, selected by hand, or by magic wand.
Bevel Selection – Give your selection a 3D look.
Feather Selection – Soften the edges of your selection.
Outline Selection – Outline the selection with the selected color.
- Effects > Steganography menu
Hide Image – Hide one image inside of another. Secret agent stuff.
Reveal Hidden B&W Image
Reveal Hidden Color Image
So for downloading the Plugin pack of Paint.net click here
Earlier i also posted a article on how to install Plugins for paint dot net
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