Hackers Group on Whatsapp
Many people ask me about group of hackers in email , may be they want to join these group . But its may be harmful for you. I am going to share just a list of some hacking groups. Search your self regarding how to join these these group or just mail i will add you in these groups but before sending mail please read about groups and send me group name in mail with why you want to join.

- Anonymous – a group of hackers originating in 2003.Anonymous is a vast, amorphous group of hackers that has achieve considerable momentum over the last couple of years. On January 19, 2012, more than 5,635 people (some unknowingly) joined a distributed denial-of-service attack against supporters of the Stop Online Piracy Act. The sites they disabled included the FBI website, as well as those of the Justice Department, the Motion Picture Association of America, and Universal Music Group
- Chaos Computer Club – is based in Germany and other German-speaking countries. Famous among older hackers. They hacked into corporate and government computers in the US and sold the source code to the KGB. The Chaos Computer Club also used hacking to protest French nuclear testing, to publish the fingerprints of Germany’s Minister of the Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble, and to expose a government Trojan horse spyware device.
- Cult of the Dead Cow – also known as cDc or cDc Communications, is a computer hacker and DIY media organisation founded in 1984 in Lubbock, Texas.
- Decocidio – is an anonymous, autonomous collective of hacktivists which is part of Earth First!!, a radical environmental protest organisation, and adheres to Climate Justice Action
- Global kos – was a grey hat (leaning black hat) computer hacker group active from 1996 through 2000. Created in 1996 by AcidAngel, “Up Yours!” was a denial of service tool used to bring down the websites of 40 politicians, including that of Rush Limbaugh, as well as those of MTV and the Ku Klux Klan. Other tools developed by Global kOS include the kOS Crack, for cracking passwords, and BattlePong, an IRC flooding utility.
- GlobalHell – was a group of hackers, composed of about 60 individuals. The group disbanded in 1999, when 12 members were prosecuted for computer intrusion and 30 for lesser offences.
- Goatse Security (GoatSec) – is a loose-knit, nine-person grey hat hacker group that specializes in uncovering security flaws.
- Hackweiser – is an underground hacking group and hacking magazine founded in 1999.
- LulzSec, a group of hackers originating and disbanding in 2011 that claimed to hack \”for the lulz\”. In March 2012, top members of LulzSec were arrested, after their leader, code-named Sabu, turned them over to the FBI to face charges of conspiracy. A mere three months later, the group reemerged, hacking into a dating website for singles in the military. They dumped 170,937 email accounts, claiming that Lulzsec had been “reborn.”
- Legion of Doom, a hacker group active from the 1980s to the late 1990s and early 2000.
- w00w00, is currently one of the largest non-profit security teams in the world with more than 30 active participants.
- Cult of the Dead Cow, also known as cDc or cDc Communications, is a computer hacker and DIY media organisation founded in 1984 in Lubbock, Texas.
- milw0rm is a group of \”hacktivists\” best known for penetrating the computers of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai.The group operated from the UK, the US, Russia and New Zealand, and they broke through the center’s firewalls. They lifted five megabytes of classified files about India’s last five nuclear tests, erased data from two servers, and posted anti-nuclear messages on the center’s website.
- TeaMp0isoN is a group of Black-Hat Computer Hackers established in mid-2009.A 16-year-old hacker who goes by the online name TriCk started TeaMp0isoN in 2010. The group was responsible for hacking into Facebook, NATO, and the English Defense League. They also hacked into an email account and retrieved personal data about former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
- Global kos were a grey hat (leaning black hat) computer hacker group active from 1996 through 2000
- globalHell was a group of hackers, composed of about 60 individuals. The group disbanded in 1999, when 12 members were prosecuted for computer intrusion and 30 for lesser offences.
- Hackweiser is an underground hacking group and hacking magazine founded in 1999.Level Seven was a hacking group during the mid to late 90\’s. Eventually dispersing in early 2000 when nominal head \’vent\’ was raided by the FBI on February 25, 2000.
- Level Seven was a hacking group during the mid to late 90\’s. Eventually dispersing in early 2000 when nominal head \’vent\’ was raided by the FBI on February 25, 2000.The hacker group globalHell has been compared to a gang of thugs; but instead of battling it out on the streets, they took their fight into cyberspace. The group is said to have attacked and destroyed data on 115 websites, caused millions of dollars in damages, and trafficked stolen information
Some content is belong to Wikipedia. You can take a look at the complete list from here.
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- Hackers Group on Whatsapp
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