Xbox has been in the market since 2001 and it has been winning the hearts of millions, be your child or your boyfriend, someone who is a gamer at heart will cherish the Xbox as it will not only be valuable gaming console but will be useful too as it provides many additional functions too such as one could stream incessantly, one could watch the video on HD too.
Maintaining the Xbox is very easy. If you knew the structure of the Xbox and how to start the process then you will be fine.
The Xbox 360 is unlike the Xbox One. Xbox one is an updated version and has to be dealt with very delicately. Let us start. In this article, we will discuss how to clean Xbox 360, what equipment you need to clean it, and the tips so that you do not make any mistakes while cleaning it.
What Kind Of Stuff You Need To Clean The Xbox 360:

Everything that you need to clean the Xbox 360 will be available to you in your home. Those things are very easy to come by and if not, you can even but the materials.
- A soft cloth or a microfibre which is known as Xbox 360 cleaners: ( if you do not have the microfibre then you can purchase it online. It costs less.): this cloth will be helpful to puff away the dust.
- Q-tip: it will be useful to reach the nooks and crannies of the console.
- Air- compressor
- Towel
Tips To Remember While Cleaning The Xbox 360:

These tips are very important for you to remember as this will be handy.
- Make sure the console is unplugged.
- Do not use a wet cloth.
- Make sure that no water gets inside the consoling system. As it will nullify your warranty.
- Use dry towels to clean the footpad.
- Do not keep junk near the Xbox 360 as it could fall in the vents and further damage the gaming console.
How To Clean Dust Out Of Xbox 360 Without Opening:
It might seem a bit tough but trust me it is easier. Here are a few easy steps to clean your Xbox 360 without opening it.
- Unplug the console. If the console is plugged then it will heighten the risk of getting shocked.
- After unplugging the console, clean the top of the console with a soft cloth or microfibre. Try to puff away the dust from the sides too. Do not use a wet cloth as the water can affect your console.
Water is the enemy of any electric equipment. It can mess up the whole system and you cannot even claim it in your warranty. Anything that happens on your end will not be covered by warranty.
- Use the q-tips to reach the nooks and crannies of the console where the clothes or the microfibre couldn\’t reach.
- If there is dust settled inside the console then you will have to use the air-compression technique to lure out the dust.
Do not let the dust settle inside your console. It can harm the whole system. Even after compressing the dust your problem occurs then it is time for service.
- After cleaning the console, clean the top on which the console was placed.
How To Clean The Xbox 360 Fan:
Here are the steps to clean the Xbox 360 fan.
1. First, remove the plug and then safely place the Xbox 360 on the towel horizontally.
2. Squeeze the top left side of the faceplate while hurting the right hand on the USB door which is placed at the right side of the faceplate. Pull up the USB door to get access to the faceplate. Keep it aside.
3. Use the screwdriver to reach the ventilation grill. Press the power button and repeat the same procedure for the left ventilation grill.
4. Now put the Xbox face down and remove all 14 screws and turn it upside.
5. Now dislodge the outer case from the bottom case. Remove the screws from the back case.
6. Blow out the fans and the blades with compressed air. This is how to clean Xbox one vents.
7. Assemble it safely.
How To Clean An Xbox 360 Disc:
Cleaning it is easy.
1. Open the disc.
2. Brush off any dust that there is in a vertical motion.
3. If there is a light scratch or something then you can simply wipe it with lightly damped cloth.
How To Clean An Xbox 360 Disc Reader:
You have two ways to get it cleaned.
1. You can either ship it to the service center to get it cleaned.
2. You can take your disk and fold it in a soft microfibre, place the disc on the disc reader and insert it and remove it. Keep the process going on for at least 4-5 times until you are satisfied.
How To Clean The Xbox 360 Controller:
- Take a piece of cloth that is soft or take a microfibre.
- Slightly brush away the dust on it.
- Keep it away from water.
- Clean the joystick and the gap between the buttons using a business card by swiping it.
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