Free Download collection of Papyrus font – Before discussing about Papyrus font i am so thankful for my lovely readers who sent me thanksgiving mail for my previous post where i shared about Bollywood font. Hope this post will also get the same response.
Initiated and designed by the illustrator, and web and graphic designer Chris Costello in the year 1982. Papyrus is a widely available font. This font was initially hand-drawn by means of calligraphy pen and some textured paper. This procedure was done over a period of six long months.
Papyrus consists of several typical, distinctive characteristic which include irregular curves, rough edges along with high horizontal strokes in the capital letters.
Costello’s main aim here was to design a font that would allow the current English fonts to resemble the texts as they were written on actual papyrus nearly two thousand years ago.
The font is currently owned by ITC, which describes the text font as a roman typeface which carries the grace and elegance of a conventional Roman letterform.
The font is very commonly used worldwide.

Gaining unmatched fame while being suitable for all occasion, Papyrus font is widely preferred all over the world. Keeping the same in view, we have decided to provide a free collection of various fonts which also include the papyrus font for you to download and use!
Papyrus font is very famous these days, so its make me a idea to post a collection of free Papyrus font. I try to include all type of Possible papyrus fonts here, also which can similar to papyrus or can be say a alternative of Papyrus font.
Free Download collection of Papyrus font here
This rar file contains Capital , small as well as numerical fonts in Papyrus.
Here’s how you can download and install it :
Help Installing Papyrus.TTF
NOTE – Make sure you are logged in as the ‘Admin’ when installing fonts for Windows.
Step 1: Download the collection of fonts from our website to your desktop, or an easy download location file.
Step 2: Unzip the font using your default windows programme or the one you may have downloaded.
Step 3: Once the file is successfully unzipped, follow the below procedure–
Windows XP Font Install:
Drag the collection font into C:\\Windows\\Fonts – The font will automatically install itself.
Windows 8/7/Vista Font Install:
Right click the font file, and then click “Install”
So, there you go! Your free collection of fonts is up and ready for use!
We noticed that many users also need the Bollywood font for their documents, so stay tuned on our site, because we will soon have a collection of free Bollywood fonts for you to download and install!
Happy writing for all! If you need any other collection of fonts, feel free to drop a comment anytime, so that we can cater to your needs.
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